Sunday, December 12, 2010

Pick One

It never ceases to amaze me the boxes we try to put each other and ourselves in.  We want categories: black, white, gay, straight, fat, thin, short, tall, smart, not-so-much...boy, girl.

I am not now, nor have I really ever been, a fan of the box ideology.  I don't get why I can't just be me, whoever that is.  And I will be the first to tell you that it probably changes daily.

That's also why I try to prevent putting my own child in a little box.  Take this afternoon for example. We have started a family tradition on Sundays.  After church, we hit the Big M for a happy meal.  They are very known for carrying two different toy campaigns at once.  Currently, the choices are Transformers figures or Sanrio watches.   This, of course, leads to the economical way to ask which toy a child would like.  When I placed my order today, I got the expected "is that toy for a boy or girl?"

The manager I worked for was quite unique in this regard.  When I worked for the Big M in high school, she  was adamant that we asked in terms of the campaign.  She wanted no parent to feel compelled to place his/her child in the gender box.  So, today, when I was asked that question, I responded with "a Sanrio watch, please."

I won't put my child in a box.  He watches Dora AND Diego.  He has Transformers AND Sanrio watches.  He likes Scooby Doo AND Disney Princesses. He plays with cars AND cuddles his teddy bears.

I don't want my child to pick one.  I want him to be free to like what he likes and be who he is.

Whoever that is.

And even if it changes every day.

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