Monday, November 29, 2010




Today, my son is four.   And I am blessed,  For four years, I have been gifted with this wonderful human being.  I have been allowed to watch him grow, learn, and love.
Since Ziggy isn't to the point of asking for a birthday party as yet, we have decided to forgo that activity until he does. Instead, we continued the family tradition of  birthday dinner.  To make sure everyone could attend (well, all six of us anyway), we had dinner yesterday.  Ziggy opened presents, which really consisted of two Pillow Pets...which he has been asking to get for about the last six months.  
Since it was birthday time, Nana and I obliged.  My son later said something to me that marks this transition from toddler to little boy more profound than anything else could have.

He told me he was thankful for his gifts.  
This morning, the other man in my life (hubs) did what has to be the sweetest thing.  Since Z had gotten his presents yesterday, he didn't have any for today.  I had already planned a surprise trip for him, so I didn't think about it.  To make sure he also got something on his actual birthday, Dad brought Z the balloon to the right and a Scooby Doo DVD.  Having grown up with a single Mom and a father whom I haven't seen since I was ten, I am continually amazed by how thoughtful a good Dad can be.

As for today's surprise, that occurred after Z dutifully posed for his four-year-old pictures this morning.  

A few weeks ago, my mother had brought me some coupons.  In that stack of coupons was one for Chuck E. Cheese tokens.  So, we went.  160 tokens, 2.5 hours, countless helicopter rides, three photos, 430 tickets, and several prizes bought with said tickets later, we headed home.   We played, we laughed, and we spent that time just being together.  

Four years ago, I walked into a hospital full of anticipation, fear, trepidation.  Soon, a doctor was going to bring my son into this world and give him into my safekeeping.  Such a daunting task.  For the previous 42 weeks (he wasn't in any hurry), he had been cuddled: safe, warm.   Not a care.  Not a worry.  No concerns from me about how I would make sure this little creature never had those cares or worries.

Four years later, there are sometimes cares.  There are sometimes worries.  I make mistakes.  I learn from them, and I move on.  

But, more importantly, there is love.  There is laughter.  There are moments when I wonder how I was chosen for this task.  I wonder what I did to be so worthy of the gift that is my son.  No longer a toddler, he is now and will always be my little boy.   

And that makes me the luckiest Mom on the planet.