Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Speed Bumps

Today was weigh-in day.  Yeah, well.  I would love to say that I hit some magical goal, birds started singing, the sun started shining, blah blah blah.
Instead, it was very perfect that it has been cold, drizzly, and blech outside. The perfect day for staying in bed, pulling up the covers, and sleeping through it. 

But rather than curl up with a good book and some hot tea, I went to face the scale. And today, the score stands as follows:  Scale 1.  Robin 0.  

I am going to be very transparent and honest with myself and say that I have not been following the meal plan.  I got off track with the wedding a couple of weeks ago, and I have had trouble getting back into the groove.  I started a new work schedule around the same time, and I haven't worked to find my flow.

So, what's a girl to do?  Why, text her BFF for a much needed perspective.

Me:  So, I weighed in this morning *sigh* one step back...

Her:  Don't look at it as a step back, just another step on your weight loss journey. You are learning a whole new way to live, it takes time and patience. You're doing great. A step back would be quitting altogether. This is just a bumpy stretch. You'll get through it and be better for it.

And with those words, she shows again how amazing she is.  I am continually thinking that I have to be strong enough to do this on my own.  This time, I have to reach out.  I understand that no one can make me eat well, exercise, and stay on the path.  But I also understand that without the support, I WILL fail.

And failure just isn't an option.

So, I WILL get back to the plan.  I WILL exercise daily. And I WILL reach out when I need a reminder that I can do this.

Because I CAN.  And I WILL.

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